Monday, August 3, 2009

The Owl Has Landed

And on the sixth day, all the junk was finally moved into the apartment. And on the seventh day, they rested.... and took a trip to Chinatown.

Made it to Philly, with some difficulty and frustration along the way. I think Dad almost strangled me when I locked my keys in my car at a McDonald's in Ohio. Kitty took the incident well, though -- and if anyone had license to be upset, it was him. He traveled well, though... surprisingly well. It was downright unprecedented! He whined a little, but he mostly just slept in his carrier for the entire twelve hours. He was good and freaked out when we finally got him in his new habitat, though....

Thursday: moving out of Bloomington, cleaning my old apartment, loading and re-loading the van. Got gross and sweaty.

Friday: up at 3:30 am (after very, very little sleep), on the road at 5, fog & rain along the way (and the McDonald's incident), rolled into Philly twelve hours later. Began moving in boxes and small furniture, got gross and sweaty.

Saturday: the big stuff: desk, bookshelf, mattresses.... and the couch (which was an adventure all its own. Really. It almost didn't make it). Really gross. Really sweaty. Brief afternoon nap, then attempted to find Temple from my apartment. Succeeded, eventually. (Dad suggested I not take this particular route, especially not while wearing a tank top. I found it amusing, but he was really, really right.) Preliminary grocery shopping. Feet throbbed at the end of the day.

Sunday: lots of sleep. Local coffee shop. Failed attempts at public transit. Found Chinatown, had bubble tea (I spit the tapioca onto the street), ate sushi. (It didn't stay in me long.) Helped my roomie move in, later in the evening. More foot throbbing, just slightly gross and sweaty.

Monday: day one of orientation. Lots of walking, lots of listening, lots of socializing. Near the end of the day, I decided to sit by myself and write. I just felt too tired to make any attempts at polite, witty, or intelligent conversation. Missed the barbecue, because I fell asleep shortly after getting home. And -- you guessed it -- foot throbbing.

Tuesday: day two of orientation. More sitting than yesterday, but still managed to get damaged on the foot. Wasn't listening well by the end of it.

Loving Temple so far. I've just felt completely drained for the past five days or so. (On the plus side, I've been falling asleep much faster!) Hmm.... I should probably get used to the exhaustion...

Need a smaller scrubs size. Need to get titers done. Need to sign up for health insurance. Need to buy a few more supplies for the apartment. Would like a nap. Don't think it's in the cards.

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