Monday, August 17, 2009

Smells like old curry . . .

First, I need to publicly thank Jess. That was incredibly thoughtful, just what I needed. Last week was really long, and I was starting to feel pretty exhausted and isolated. I'm wearing the necklace now; it reminds me that even when I feel like an idiot for not remembering one artery or the other, I've got a good few people who believe in me.

Sorry-- that came out sounding really cheesy. I'll move on.

Feeling better than I was Friday. I was getting pretty worn out. It seems like pushing information in my brain is like throwing wet spaghetti at the fridge. It'll stick . . . peel away . . . and fall right back out of my skull. Made a list of ways to de-stress. Reminded myself that my goal is to survive -- and the faculty won't let me drown.

Guess I might just end up swallowing a little saltwater.

Week Two begins with the lower limb. I dissected a butt today. (Literally-- the gluteal muscles, and parts betwixt.) It was... messy. One doctor would identify something as the glutius medius; another would say it's the piriform. Makes it a little more difficult. Spent maybe twenty minutes digging out different vessels. As one instructor said, our cadaver has "more connective tissue than anyone should be allowed to have." I'm not sure what that means, but I know I don't like it.

My to-do list doesn't seem to get any shorter . . . Need to start that bank account, get my printer replaced, sign up for insurance (which isn't open yet, for some reason). The apartment still hasn't replaced our stove, and the bathroom's still a bit of a mess. I've still got a lot of half-empty boxes around... And I need to study, of course.

Discovered an open mic night at a local coffeehouse. Went there last Thursday to watch dissection videos online (no internet at the apartment yet)... which I still did. But afterwards I listened to live music. Planning on going back; it seems like a nice way to unwind for an hour or two. Plus, everyone there seemed really friendly.

Very glad I live in the suburbs.

And for anyone still wondering -- the title of this blog was taken from a friendly conversation with my roommate in which I was teasingly accusing Indians of smelling bad. Mystery solved.

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