Monday, August 10, 2009

Lara + Netter = BFF

Or so I'm told.

Not dissecting today, so I'm in "self-study." Actually, I'm currently in a break from "self-study." I got pretty far in the last two hours; I'm allowed. Lunch was corn chowder. Probably going to need another lunch later.

Still trying to get a grasp on my schedule. It doesn't help that some sections don't start until next week, and others don't start until September. Then Anatomy itself is broken up into labs, conferences (I'm still not sure what these are), and self-study times, which alternate every other day.

It's hard to stay ahead when you're not sure where exactly you're supposed to be. It seems suddenly daunting to think about the incredible amount of work, time, and commitment laying immediately before me. "One day at a time" isn't really applicable, since I need to think ahead about a week. So-- One Step at a Time.
Step One: the back. Structure of the spine's bones and ligaments, roots of spinal nerves and where they go, deep muscle structures, and a lot of other stuff I can't remember because it's been ten minutes since I've read through it.

Repetition is the key to retention.

Considering an elective, though I'm not sure if I want to tackle anything extra right off-hand. But it is pass/fail... And the one I'm interested in is taught by my possibly favorite doctor ever. When I met him, he was surprised I'd come all the way from Indiana. I told him that the one medical school in Indiana hadn't wanted me. He responded immediately, without even blinking: "F*** 'em."

Gratuitous language in itself doesn't really impress me. But it was in my defense. And somehow, his crass bluntness seems to make him more accessible. You get the feeling that if you did something wrong in his class, he'd definitely tell you -- but it'd still be okay.

Returning to the vertebrae . . .

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