Friday, September 18, 2009

Room 105

It's been a long sort of week . . . Again.

Monday was a terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad day. (Am I allowed to say that without trademark approval?) It was an unusually long day, due to a new class starting. But honestly, it was largely in my mood. I just felt angry toward everyone for no reason. Or, if I had a reason, it wasn't a very good one. I actually felt the need to apologize to a classmate after snapping at him. Also had a headache most of the day, which didn't help things.

Tuesday was a little less angry; it seemed to fade throughout the course of the day. Maybe I just got too tired to be angry anymore.

By Wednesday, I was over the mood thing. Unfortunately, I'd spent a lot of energy being mad, which meant I had less energy to spend trying to understand the temporal bone. (I still don't entirely get it. It's too oblique, got too many twists & turns.)

Thursday, we had another interview with a standardized patient -- this time, we were required to do Chief Complaint, History of Present Illness, Past Medical History, Social History, Family History, and the Review of Systems. Thankfully, they let us use a cheat sheet; otherwise I never would've remembered it all... I hear from a 2nd year that you eventually get pretty good at it. I think I've already improved from the last time we did this, so here's hoping.

Today I woke up with another headache (last night's headache, I think), but I medicated immediately and it's not so bad now. There's a quiz today, but I'm honestly not worried about it. The way my grade is now, I doubt I'll be getting a "high pass." But whether I get a 100% or 0% on this quiz, as long as I pass the final (which is required to pass the course anyhow), I'll be all right.

Good news though -- the volunteer coordinator from the Franklin Institute called me this week. (It was on Tuesday, and it kind of took a lot of effort to have a friendly, professional phone conversation.) We set up an interview time for next Wednesday. She seemed fairly impressed with me, so I suppose it'll work out pretty well. (The website for the exhibit is here, if you're interested in checking it out.) I'm pretty excited about it... I wanted to see the exhibit when it went through Indy but never did. And I really need a regular weekend activity...

This weekend will be: study for anatomy final, go to bank, study, do laundry (studying throughout), clean bathroom, study . . . .

The final is Tuesday -- not this next Tuesday, but the one after. It's cumulative-- so to learn the entire body all over again, I pretty much need to start now. On a related note, if my nasty mood returns, that may be why...

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