Friday, July 17, 2009


So maybe I'm a little ahead of myself with this blog. I don't even leave Indiana for another week or two. But it's closing in fast, which is forcing me to really think about it all. I've never liked moving just because it's so much work, but this is going to put all my other moves to shame.

Right now, I'm mostly getting through it by reminding myself that in about six weeks, I'll be settled into a new schedule and life will regress to normalcy. A new kind of normal, but normal none the less.

The most recent news is I may have a roommate! It'll probably be good for me; I could use the support of another med student. But it worries me, because I'm not sure if I've ever lived with someone that I didn't end up despising at one time or another (family included!). So-- here's hoping.

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